MINUTES OF MEETING: June 11, 2024 Editor: Hilda Finnigan Call to Order President Linda Porritt Rotary Grace: Janice Coupland Toast to the King Pater Hernandez Land Acknowledgement: We respectfully acknowledge that we are hosting this Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood meeting from land within the jurisdiction of Williams Treaties and on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations, the Anishnaabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. This acknowledgement reminds us of our responsibilities to our relationships and the ancestral lands on which we learn, share and live. Toast to Canada David Andrews Visiting Rotarians and Guests: Our Guest Speaker Rev. Sue Genge and her husband Glenn Vernetta, friend of Kim Tam Birthdays/Anniversaries Happy Birthday Bob Ellliott June 11th Elizabeth Carrie June 13th Moira Pantelao June 19th Robbie Laroque June 20th Caroline Kipling June 21st David Penney June 23rd. Keela Efraim June 23rd Happy Anniversary Ted and Sharron Morrison June 15 David and Jan Penney June 12th Announcements Pres. Linda: Board of Directors Meeting June 12th , 7:30pm Zoom available RCMP and Superdogs at Windreach Farm June 12/13 – volunteers needed Ribfest Season – Pickering - June 14 – 16 Volunteer Opportunity June 18 meeting cancelled at Golf Club – join from home Learning Tuesday on ZOOM – Rotary Foundation – with Mike McGovern as speaker (Chair of the Rotary PolioPlus Committee) . Here is the Link: June 20 Red Barn Bingo - Matinee – Hilda, Dave A. Ted, Lennis June 20 District 7070 Awards Presentations and DG Changeover Dinner at the Whitby Legion 5pm – 9pm $25.00 June 22/23 – Rotary Club of Whitby Yard Sale 8am -1624 Dundas St E. Behind Dodd and Souter Flooring June 22nd Port Hope Rotary Club Surf and Turf Dinner Sue McKinnon passed around Sign up sheet for Presidents Night Dinner Meeting Tuesday June 25th – spouses/partners/friends are welcome – planning a buffet Hilda Finnigan: In preparation for 24/25 Rotary Year – encouraged members to sign up for Front Desk and Bulletin Editor; one month commitment w option to change should unexpected/unplanned conditions arise; She also asked members to consider which committee(s) they might wish to serve on – hope that each member would consider serving on two (2) or more committees Hilda also asked that members consider working at Bingo – not difficult, not a lot of exposure to players – some mathematics involved – come visit and see what it is all about!! A GREAT FUNDRAISER David Andrews led us through a special event for this evening, the induction of two New members – Kim Tam and Emmy Iheme. President Linda Porritt welcomed Kim and Emmy, presenting them with name tags. Oshawa Parkwood members look forward to getting to know and working with Kim and Emmy for the good of Rotary. Sargent at Arms: Dave Penney Ace of Spades Draw . The ten of spades was drawn. The pot grows . Happy Bucks: Robert Kipling encouraged fellow members to consider “Art in the Park”, a great event happening this weekend $20.00/ticket John Kellam felt enlightened by his attendance at Brooklin Fair noting that most of those attending already had access to “manure” and were therefore not very interested in our brand!! Al Finnigan for a successful two days at the Peony Festival Sue McKinnon also enjoyed the Peony Festival in spite of the weather, talked to many nice people Bill Creamer happy to welcome new members Kim Tam happy to meet at the Oshawa Golf Club Dave Andrews welcomed Kim and Emmy Emmy Iheme pleased to join Oshawa Parkwood David Mankiewicz had a great time with Rachael in California visiting with his brother,and he welcomed Emmy and Kim and he was happy to see Glenn and Sue Genge Peter Hernandez appreciated time spent with John Kellam at Brooklin fair, and he also noted his mother felt very welcome at our club on the night he and Irina were inducted, he also also welcomed Emmy and Kim Hilda Finnigan thanks to all who volunteered at the Peony Festival Guest Speaker Our speaker for this evening was Rev. Sue Genge accompanied by her husband Glenn. Past President David Andrews introduced Rev. Sue highlighting her many achievements locally and in missionary service. Sue spoke enthusiastically about her recent one week visit to El Salvadore a country ravaged by twelve years of Civil War. She thanked us for providing her with the opportunity to relate the conditions of poverty, abuse, oppression and suffering of the people in El Salvadore. The Civil War was from 1980 through to 1992, left 75,000 people dead and 10,000 more disappeared. The people are peaceful at this time but are very vocal in protesting against the ruling families. Providing safe water is a primary concern. The group took twenty-three (23) suitcases packed with medical and school supplies. PDG Ted Morrison thanked Rev. Sue . There being nothing else for the good of Rotary, the meeting was adjourned by Pres. Linda IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT, MAKE UP: Go online at www.rotary.org go to the club locator and find a club or clubs near your destination. Or you can add the free App Rotary Club Locator to your phone for instant look up of any club in the world. Please mail or fax your make-ups to Secretary Sue MacKinnon, or give your make-up card to the attendance/registration officer at the next club meeting.