MINUTES OF JOINT MEETING OF THE ROTARY CLUBS OF OSHAWA-PARKWOOD AND OSHAWA Tuesday, November 26, 2024 Editor: David Andrews Meeting Called to Order at 6:30 PM: by President Hilda Finnigan Grace: Lennis Trotter “Oh Lord, The Giver of All Good, We Thank Thee for our Daily Food, May Rotary friends and Rotary ways Help us to Serve Thee All our Days” Toast to the KING : President Grant Desjardine Land Acknowledgement: by President Hilda Finnigan: We respectfully acknowledge that the Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood is meeting on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations, within the jurisdiction of the Williams Treaties. We are committed to our responsibility of stewardship, in these relationships and for this land on which we learn, share and live. Oh CANADA : President Grant led in the singing of our National Anthem accompanied on the electric piano by Oshawa Rotarian Tom Hodgson Visiting Rotarians and Guests Guests– Camille Miguel Farfan; District Governor Virginia O’Reilly (Toronto East Rotary Club); Past District Governor John Burns (Rotary Club of Bowmanville); Assistant Governor Shauna Moore (Rotary Club of Whitby Sunrise) and her husband brad; and a special welcome to Past District Governors Ron Dick (Oshawa) and Ted Morrison (Oshawa-Parkwood). BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES: November 30 – Happy Anniversary to Tess Pierce and John ANNOUNCEMENTS: Hilda – Some of our members are still under the weather and we are thinking of them and hope they get well soon: Bill Creamer, Tess Pierce, and Pat Dyck.
Oshawa President Grant Desjardine presented a Paul Harris Fellow award to Dale Duke for all of his volunteering with the audio visual magic at the Rotary Club, The District conferences and The Zone 28 & 32 Assemblies and for all of his help at many Ribfests. Well deserved. Congratulations Dale.
L to R: District Governor Virginia O’Reilly; Dale Duke; Emmy Iheme; Grant Desjardine 
Oshawa President Grant Desjardine presented the PolioPlus Plaque that was given to the Oshawa Rotary Club to Kim Tan for all of the work she has done over the years to raise funds to End Polio Now. Then, Emmy Iheme presented Kim Tan with a Paul Harris Fellow Award for all of her many hours of volunteering to raise funds for PolioPlus and for her many volunteer hours to raise funds for many Oshawa Rotary Club projects over the years. L to R: Emmy Iheme, District Governor Virginia O’Reilly, Kim Tan, and Grant Desjardine Hilda – Participation House Christmas party will be Dec 3 at the Jubilee Pavilion from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm. Spouses invited. A sign up sheet went around. Please let Jan know if you can attend. We need as many members as possible to be there and assist with the 50 Participation House clients plus 22 assistants). Janice Coupland will also be asking for volunteers to put together their Christmas bags. Hilda – Our club Christmas party is December 17 at Bella Notte Restaurant in Whitby starting at 6:00 pm. Please let Janice Coupland know if you are coming. Cost starts at $58 plus tax and tip. Lennis Trotter - Encouraged everyone to volunteer at the Kids Safety Village for Christmas at the Village from 4:30 pm to 8pm on Dec 6 , Dec 7, and Dec 14. Dec 13 is filled up but we need you to help on the other nights. A sign-up sheet went around. Please let Lennis know, as soon as you can, which nights you are available to volunteer. The Whitby Brass Band will be there on selected nights Hilda - Next Bingo is Nov 21 with Hilda, Al, David P, and Robbie. Hilda also attended the Annual General Meeting of the Red Barn Bingo Charities on Nov 4. Ted Morrison - Cakes and Hams. Have arrived. The hams are $30 and the cakes are $25. The big sellers got their call to come down and pick up. Special Thank you to John and Shawn Kellam and the folks at MAK Funeral home for receiving the big order of cakes and hams and helping to load up the vehicles for delivery. The remainder went (via Dale Duke and his truck) to Bill Creamer’s garage on Tuesday for you to pick up as soon as you can. Note: as soon as you can, be sure to get your money in to Treasurer Linda. Ted – In the spring of 2025, we will be selling maple syrup again. This year, it will be in One Litre bottles selling for $25 each. Thank you to Robbie Larocque for printing Maple Syrup Gift cards very suitable for sticking stuffers or gifts to your friends, family, and associates. The gift cards are NOW available. See Ted or Robbie. SGT AT ARMS Emmy Iheme THE DRAW : thank you to Kim Tan and Emmy Iheme for selling tickets for a draw for some very nice door prizes. First draw for a beautiful gift basket from Janet Duke was won by David Mankiewicz. The second draw for a box of chocolates was also won by David Mankiewicz, but he relinquished that prize and it was won by Al Finnigan. HAPPY BUCKS: Thank you to Emmy Iheme with the assistance of Shashi Bhatia Emmy – Congratulations to Kim Tan and to Dale Duke for their well-deserved Paul Harris Fellow Awards. Emmy also had a problem with his gas fireplace, went all the way to Toronto to get parts and then found a neighbour in Greenbank who fixed the fireplace (no charge). Shashi B – Very happy to be at our meeting tonight with so many new friends for the Oshawa Rotary Club. Kim Tan – Very happy to receive the PolioPlus Plaque and also the Paul Harris Fellow Award and very happy to have raised funds for the Silent Auction at the recent Oshawa Rotary Club’s Oshawa Walk of Fame Gala. Dave Andrews – made a mistake today and gave to Bob Koski, the wrong cake and ham order for Bob and Launi Elliott . BUT Dave was very happy to be able deliver the right order and spend some quality time with Bob and Launi. They thanked our club for the beautiful poinsettia.
Bob and Launi Elliott and the poinsettia
Lennis T – Very happy to see District Governor Virginia. He also had a sad buck. His son in law hit a buck and did $30,000 damage to his truck PDG John Burns – Very happy to be here, very relaxed now that he is a “past” District Governor, and watch our DG Virginia give her official address to our clubs DG Virginia – Very happy to be here at both of our clubs joint meeting Assistant Governor Shauna Moore – very happy to be with both of our clubs and to see Ron Dick’s hat again. Al Finnigan – very happy to be with both of our clubs. A great evening. Hilda - Welcome to District Governor Virginia, to both of our clubs and to so many Past District Governors Ted M – very happy to see that Virginia is still standing after so many visits to so many clubs and club events. A great job Virginia. And Ted said a big congratulations to both Kim and Dale for their well-deserved Paul Harris Fellow Awards. Camille Miguel Farfan – very happy to be here and looking forward to becoming a Rotarian Ron Dick - congratulations to both Kim and Dale for their well-deserved Paul Harris Fellow Awards. And what a spectacular evening. Dale Duke – thanked everyone for his Paul Harris Fellow Award and to say that he has just volunteered to do the A/V for the 2025 Rotary Zone 28 & 32 Assembly in Winnipeg. Stephanie Morrisette – Got here early to spend some money in the Golf Pro shop but it was closed. She thanked her husband mark for getting up the Christmas lights. Omar Wisdom – A hearty congratulations to both Kim and Dale for their well-deserved Paul Harris Fellow Awards.
SPEAKER: District Governor Virginia O’Reilly Introduced by Assistant Governor Shauna Moore, Virginia O’Reilly hails from Cape Breton Island. Her early exposure to community service came by example of her parents’ involvement with local boards, fundraisers and charitable events. In 1979, Virginia arrived in Toronto pursuing a career in Consumer Research and Consulting and became a partner at Burak Jacobson Research Partners in 1989. In 1990, Virginia volunteered at Spring Festival, the annual fundraiser for Providence Villa (now Providence Healthcare) and soon after co-chaired the event for several years. It was there that Virginia first learned about Rotary and in particular, the Toronto East Rotary Club and its charter President Bill Phelan (father of Past District Governor mike Phelan). In 1998, Virginia joined the Toronto East Rotary Club (TERC) and it is her Rotary home. In Rotary, Virginia found the community feeling she grew up with. It is her door to exposure to circumstances in her local community and the global community. Rotary provides her the opportunity to connect with other people who believe that together we can take action to create lasting change in our communities, across the globe and in ourselves. Virginia was the first female President of Toronto East Rotary Club (TERC) in 2001-2002 and again in 2022-2021. In addition to being President, Virginia has served as Club Secretary, Chair of Membership, Chair of Foundation and Chair of Youth during her 20 years with the Club. Her district roles have included the positions of Assistant District Governor, Youth Chair, Membership Chair, promoter of Grow Rotary Workshops, membership on the Foundation Committee and on organizing committees for two District Conferences. She is also working at the Zone level on a Membership Project, no surprise there! Virginia is a Sustaining Member of The Rotary Foundation, Rotary Foundation Benefactor and a member of the Bequest Society. She has given to The Rotary Foundation (TRF) most years since 2003 - it is her charity of choice. Virginia and her husband Bob (Robert) live in East York with two black Labs and two busy pussycats. She is the proud Aunt of niece Grace, a Rotaractor at the University of Victoria in B.C. Virginia retired from Burak Jacobson at the end of 2020, leaving more time for Rotary and hopefully some travelling. Virginia is passionate about ending polio and growing membership in our Rotary and Rotaract clubs. She talked to us about Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick. Stephanie’s number one goal is to grow membership. Her first goal is that every District get 100 “net” new members this Rotary year. Virginia noted that clubs lose , on average 15% of their members every year. Virginia shared with us Stephanie’s theme “The Magic of Rotary” and told us about a water filter sweat equity project that Stephanie was on in the Dominican Republic and the little children who saw clean water for the first time in their own homes because of the filters and thought that it was magic. Stephanie also wants us to grow the Rotary Foundation with our donations to the Annual Fund, the polio Fund and to the Endowment Fund that allow us all to do so much more “good” in the world, especially with the receipt of District Designated Funds that allow us to get grants for our projects. Virginia asked us to continue donation to PolioPlus. Our job is not done. 75 new cases of the wild polio virus this Rotary year so far. She also talked about Stephanie’s goal to do projects that help stimulate Positive peace. She encouraged us all to keep attending the many District events to meet new friends, and ideas and learn more about Rotary at events such as the recent Rotary Foundation Grants seminar, the District Conference, Rotary Leadership Institute (set for march 29 in person at centennial College in Scarborough) , Rotary membership webinars (first Monday of every month)and the district Assembly in the spring and the Rotary international Convention in June 22-25, 2025 in Calgary. Always check the Rotary District 7070 website for registration to all of these events. She asks our clubs to think of what is your Magic of Rotary. Grant mentioned the one day each month that they help prepare and serve meals at Durham Outlook for the needy. Ted Morrison noted the 6 clubs that packed 50,000 meals for the hungry in the world, thanks to a District grant for the Rotary Foundation. Lennis trotter talked about the safety bestowed upon 15,000 kids every year at the Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood’s sponsored Kids Safety Village. John Burns talked about the successful respite program down by the Bowmanville Rotary Club for a number of years and the Christmas party for children in Bowmanville and seeing the smiles on their faces. Virgina closed the meeting by asking all of us to keep making the magic of Rotary. 


President Hilda Finnigan presented Mandy with a thank you gift for providing us excellent service each and every week. MORE INFORMATION IN THE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Be sure to check out our Calendar for details.!! IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT, YOU CAN MAKE UP: Go online at www.rotary.org go to the club locator and find a club or clubs near your destination. Or you can add the free App Rotary Club Locator to your phone for instant look up of any club in the world. Please mail or fax your make-ups to Secretary Sue MacKinnon, or give your make-up card to the attendance/registration officer at the next club meeting.