MINUTES OF MEETING: June 4, 2024 Editor: Hilda Finnigan Meeting Called to Order: by President Linda Porritt ROTARY GRACE: Led by Sue MacKinnon Oh Lord, The Giver of All Good, We thank Thee for our daily food, May Rotary friends and Rotary ways, Help us to serve Thee all our days TOAST TO THE KING: Led by Robert Kipling LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We respectfully acknowledge that we are hosting this Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood meeting from land within the jurisdiction of Williams Treaties and on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations, the Anishnaabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples. This acknowledgement reminds us of our responsibilities to our relationships and the ancestral lands on which we learn, share and live. TOAST TO CANADA: Led by Peter Hernandez Visiting Rotarians and Guests: Oshawa Parkwood was pleased to welcome many guests and visiting Rotarians to this special evening:- Jan Penney, Maria Olnyck, Caroline Kipling, Patti Koski, Maria Hernandez, Terrilynn Larocque, Sharron Morrison, Peter Irvine (Whitby Sunrise), Trish Best, Emmy Iheme, Kim Tam, Donald Igbokwe (Oshawa). BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES: Happy Birthday Kim Tam on May 31st; Robert Kipling on June 7th; and Bob Ellliott on June 11th; ANNOUNCEMENTS Lennis Trotter – Kids Safety Village Board and Committee meeting June 10 at 2pm Hilda – reviewed our plan for the Peony Festival on June 8 and 9 at the Oshawa Botanical Gardens, including set up and take down. Thank you everyone for volunteering. We will be selling Ploughman’s Choice and Bird Houses. REMINDERS: Hilda – We will be asking everyone to sign up for at least 2 committees next year. A sign up sheet will be going around soon. Ted – A reminder to ask everyone to make a donation to the Rotary Foundation before June 30. We have surpassed our goal for donations to the Polio Fund. Thank you all. We are short of our goal for donations to the Annual programs Fund. Please consider a donation. Thank you. JUNE 8 -9 – Peony Festival – Oshawa Botanical Gardens - we are selling Ploughman’s Choice and the Bird Houses. JUNE 12 – is our next Rotary Board of Directors Meeting. At the Biddle Building. 7:30 pm start. JUNE 14-16 – The Rotary Club of Pickering need volunteers for their ribfest. Please reach out to them. Fred Walker is their President. He can be reached at fredrickw000@gmail.com . Wind Reach Farm is excited to be hosting the RCMP Musical Ride and the SUPER Dogs show on Wednesday, June 12th. and Thursday, June 13th. They are expecting 3,000 people and are seeking volunteers to help with parking and other areas JUNE 18 – No meeting at the Oshawa Golf Club. Please register and watch the Learning Tuesdays Rotary Foundation Zoom meeting with Rotary International’s Chair of the PolioPlus Committee Mike McGovern and a Rotary Foundation scholar as well. Starts a 7 PM. It is RIBFEST Season. Be sure to volunteer your services and help the neighbouring Rotary Clubs at any one or more of the following Ribfests coming very soon: Remaining Ribfests: Bowmanville - June 7-9; Pickering - June 14-16; Whitby-Sunrise - June 12-14; Oshawa Aug. 16-18. SGT AT ARMS: Dave Penney – no duties this evening as Ted Morrison lead us in a fun game of “Heads and Tails”!? Winner of a fine set of coasters was Patti Koski SPEAKER: Our Director of Foundation PDG Ted Morrison emceed our program recognizing our Club, Oshawa Parkwood for participation in the Rotary Foundation. Important points included the following Our donations make us 2nd highest among clubs in Durham Region; higher than most Clubs in District 7070 This year 23/24 we have surpassed our goal for donation to Polio Plus but are just slightly below goal for the Annual Fund – still time to meet this goal before June 30th Reminder that Annual Fund donations are returned to Clubs in the form of Grants for our projects such as Kids Against Hunger; this year will be $9,000.00 Our Greatest Campaign “Polio Eradication” was launched in 1985; has saved the lives of 20 million children throughout the world In 2024 there are 6 cases – 3 in Afganistan/3 in Pakistan Cost of maintaining vaccinations is $400M/year Rotary donations being matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Polio virus has mutated!! This new virus causes paralysis An unvaccinated man in New York state contracted this – he had not traveled; virus was found in waste water systems in several areas including Montreal We are close but not finished yet World Health Organization (WHO) does see an end date of December 31st, 2026;following this 3 years Polio Free for final declaration
Ted, assisted by President Linda Porritt, presented awards to the following Paul Harris Fellows Bill Creamer, Robbie Laroque, David Andrews Special Paul Harris Fellows Tim Dwyre, Peter Irvine Major Donor Dave and Jan Penney, Peter Hernandez and Irina Roudenko A TRULY GREAT EVENING RECOGNIZING “SERVICE ABOVE SELF” Thank you to our newest Major Donor, Peter Hernandez for all of the fabulous photos. IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT, MAKE UP: Go online at www.rotary.org go to the club locator and find a club or clubs near your destination. Or you can add the free App Rotary Club Locator to your phone for instant look up of any club in the world. Please mail or fax your make-ups to Secretary Sue MacKinnon, or give your make-up card to the attendance/registration officer at the next club meeting.