MINUTES OF MEETING OF Tuesday, January 7, 2025 Editor: Past District Governor Ted Morrison Meeting Called to Order at 6:00 PM: by Incoming President David Mankiewicz Grace: led by Kim Tan “Oh Lord, The Giver of All Good, We Thank Thee for our Daily Food, May Rotary friends and Rotary ways Help us to Serve Thee All our Days” Toast to the KING : Shashi Bhatia Land Acknowledgement: by Incoming President David Mankiewicz : We respectfully acknowledge that the Rotary Club of Oshawa-Parkwood is meeting on the traditional territory of the Mississaugas of Scugog Island First Nations, within the jurisdiction of the Williams Treaties. We are committed to our responsibility of stewardship, in these relationships and for this land on which we learn, share and live. Toast to CANADA : Lennis Trotter Visiting Rotarians and Guests : Larry Hurren welcomed our guest speaker Durham Regional Police Inspector Dave Mason BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES: January 12 – Rhonda Stewart –Happy Birthday to YOU !!! ANNOUNCEMENTS / REMINDERS: Lennis Trotter announced that over the 4 nights of Christmas At The Village, the Kids Safety Village saw 5,500 visitors during the 12 hours of operation.. He also announced that the village is fully booked for the rest of the school year. There will be a planning meeting for the village on Monday at 1:00pm at the village. Ted stated how all of us here were saddened to hear of Tess’s illness in December but we are all happy and excited to see her back with us tonight. Ted offered a great thank you to all the members for selling their hams and cakes before Christmas and for getting all the sales money to Linda before Christmas NEXT UP… Maple syrup . Everyone should start taking their orders now. Delivery will be in the spring (when the trees give it up) Bottles are One liter for $25. Tess suggested that you could buy a case and donate it to the food bank (and get a tax receipt). 
Finally, Ted reminded members that they should be on the lookout for silent auction items. May 8 will be here before we know it. Dave Andrews reminded members that tickets for the reverse draw will be here soon. Members should start thinking about who they sold to last year. Members were encouraged to think about possible sponsors for this event. Dave has supplied everyone with the silent auction and ticket sales lists from last year, and sample “ask” letters, and promo posters for this year. David Mankiewicz reminded everyone that one of our members is still unable to attend for health reasons and we should pray for her quick recovery. David M also told us of fake emails from the District Governor are out there again . Please disregard them. David M announced the next bingo is January16 with Ted ,Dave, Robbie and Lennis. Note to sellers: the books at the front door have all increase by one dollar. SGT AT ARMS Larry Hurren ACE OF SPADES The draw was won by Ted Morrison.. He drew the 3 of Hearts. Only 18 cards left, for our second meeting in January. The pot grows even bigger. HAPPY BUCKS: Thank you to Larry for collecting our Happy Bucks Both Emmy and Dave A were happy to see Tess back at the club Tess thanked everyone for their good wishes and emails. They meant a lot to her. Shashi was happy to be back with her friends in Rotary. Ted was happy to be back at Rotary. He actually missed coming to Rotary during December SPEAKER: Durham Regional Police Service Inspector David Mason Dave Andrews introduced our speaker Inspector David Mason. Dave Mason has 24 years experience with the Durham Regional Police Services (DRPS). As a member of DRPS, Dave has worked in the Drug Enforcement Unit, the Gun and Gang Unit, the Criminal Investigation Bureau, and the Major Crime Branch (Homicide/Sexual Assault). Dave was Promoted to Inspector in 2021. He is currently the Divisional Commander for Central East Division in Oshawa. Tonight, Dave will brought us up to date with the activities of DRPS here in Oshawa. Dave Mason shared the strategic plan for the force which has four elements—Building Trust, Community Partnerships and Modernization. He explained the old police act was gone, replaced by a new one that focusses on crime prevention, law enforcement, maintaining public safety, emergency response, assisting victims of crimes and addition policing functions. Dave gave us some sobering statistics: home invasions up 43%, intimate partner violence up 21%. 75% of all guns seized were smuggled from the U.S. Auto thefts were down last year most were in the Ajax/Pickering area.. He told us they are monitoring 150 persons who are out on bail for firearm offenses. Mental health and addictions continues to be a challenge for them with 1000 cases last year involving 500 people. However they now have some mental health professionals riding in cars with officer to help deal with these people in crisis. On the roads over 15,000 tickets were given out last year with collisions up to 3,970 and 32 impaired collisions in Oshawa last year . This year in the new budget calls for 50 new officers and 20 frontline supervisors and allows for 45 officers in investigative and supportive roles. In Oshawa there was 12% increase in violent crime with 5 homicides last year. There was also a 30% increase in impaired driving. The police service answered 45,579 calls for service last year. Emmy Iheme gave a very thoughtful and heartfelt thank you to Inspector Dave Mason for his talk 
As I was leaving the Golf Club on Tuesday, I found these three Rotarians starting a new fashion trend for 2025. 
MORE INFORMATION IN THE CALENDAR OF EVENTS Be sure to check out our Calendar for details.!! IF YOU CAN’T MAKE IT, YOU CAN MAKE UP: Go online at www.rotary.org go to the club locator and find a club or clubs near your destination. Or you can add the free App Rotary Club Locator to your phone for instant look up of any club in the world. Please mail or fax your make-ups to Secretary Janice Coupland, or give your make-up card to the attendance/registration officer at the next club meeting.